
Bonsai strawberry tree "arbutus unedo" 1-1

€65.00 TTC
Data sheet

The strawberry tree is a small shrub admirable for its cracked bark, its flowering and fruiting occur in the heart of winter.

Waist 46 cm
Location Outside
Age 8 years
Foliage Persistent
Height Entre 40 et 80 cm
More information

Growing Tips

Location: Outdoors all year round, it should be exposed, preferably in a sunny spot and, if possible, well sheltered from cold winds (north, northeast and east). Hardy in winter, but as a precaution you can protect the roots (the pot) from heavy frosts.

Watering: It needs a substrate that is always moist. Water it regularly while allowing the root ball to dry out slightly between waterings to avoid excess water. In spring/summer, watering will be done regularly, when it's hot, it's every day ! On the other hand, in winter, water according to the supervision of the soil. Thanks to the rain and cold, you won't necessarily need to water regularly since the substrate will remain moist.

Important: Don't hesitate to water the entire root ball up to the roots, the water will drain away through the holes under the pot or bathe the bonsai in water (drenching) for a few minutes, to make sure you water it well. We do not recommend putting a cup/container under the pot as the water will stagnate and can cause root rot. (Too much water = asphyxiation).

Substrate and repotting: It likes cool soils with a good amount of organic matter. In the nursery, we use agricultural soil composed of black peat, blond peat, eco-aged, topsoil, horse manure, pozzolana. During the next repotting, which is done about every 2/3 years at the beginning of spring, you can mix more draining substrate such as: akadama, pumice, kiryu... Just be careful not to disturb the root ball, don't destroy the whole root ball!

Many bonsai react noticeably when repotted at the wrong time or too drastically.

Waist: Can be done in spring, after winter flowering

Fertilization: In the nursery, we use blue tomato/flower fertilizer NPK 12 12 17. You can use some and put a handful (small or large depending on the size of the pot) on the substrate from May to October, every 2 months alternating chemical/organic.

More information:

All our bonsai are unique. This is why they are referenced by numbers that do not indicate age, if you want to know it, do not hesitate to contact us

We ship throughout France and neighbouring countries that are part of the EU. We take care to pack each bonsai in custom-made wooden crates or reinforced cartons. Everything is well protected and secured to avoid any risk of breakage.

Depending on the size and weight of your order, shipping is carried out by specialized carriers: DPD (under 30kg) or GEODIS (+30kg).

Our priority is that the delivery goes smoothly. Do not hesitate to consult our delivery page to learn more about our methods.

Click ----> Bonsai France and EU Delivery - Galinou Bonsai Nursery

The bonsai tree you see in the picture is really the one you are going to receive. To find out the dimension, refer to the scale on the side. Each product is unique and we take care to take photos that give you the most accurate preview possible of what you will receive.

All bonsai are produced in our large nursery in Lot-Et-Garonne, 100% French production . They are therefore perfectly adapted to the climate of France, which is not always the case with Japanese imports.

If needed: 06 24 80 64 65

Cultivation Advice

Dehors toute l’annéeil doit être exposé, de préférence, un endroit ensoleillé et, si possible, bien abrité des vents froids (nord, nord-est et est). Rustique en hiver mais par précaution vous pouvez protéger les racines (le pot) des fortes gelées.

Il a besoin d’un substrat toujours humide. Arrosez-le régulièrement tout en laissant sécher légèrement la motte entre deux arrosages afin d’éviter l’excès d’eau. Au printemps/été, l’arrosage s’effectuera de manière régulière, quand il fait chaud, c’est tous les jours ! En revanche, en hiver, arrosez suivant la surveillance de la terre. Grâce à la pluie et au froid vous n’aurez pas forcément besoin d’arrosez régulièrement puisque le substrat demeurera humide. 

Important : N’hésitez pas à arroser toute la motte jusqu’aux racines, l’eau s’évacuera à travers les trous présents en dessous du pot ou baignez le bonsai dans l’eau (bassinage) quelques minutes, pour être certains de bien l'arroser. Nous déconseillons de mettre une coupelle/récipient en dessous du pot car l’eau stagnera et peut provoquer un pourrissement des racines. (Trop d’eau = asphyxie).

Il aime les sols frais avec une bonne part de matière organique. En pépinière, nous utilisons du terreau agricole composé de tourbe noire, de tourbe blonde, éco vieillies, terre végétale, fumier de cheval, pouzzolane. Vous pouvez lors du prochain rempotage, qui se fait environ tous les 2/3 ans début printemps, y mélanger du substrat plus drainant comme : akadama, pumice,kiryu…seulement faites attention de ne pas perturber le pain racinaires, ne détruisez pas toute la motte ! 

De nombreux bonsais réagissent sensiblement quand ils sont rempotés au mauvais moment ou de manière trop drastique.

Peut se faire au printemps, après la floraison d'hiver