
Beech "fagus sylvatica" 1-3

€280.00 TTC
Data sheet

The beech is a deciduous bonsai that grows in the lower mountains as well as in our countryside. Its greyish bark becomes rougher as it ages

+ Location: outdoors all year round

+ Age: 16+ years old

+ Foliage: pale green in spring/ bright green in summer / orange-young in autumn

Waist 70 cm
Location Outside
Age 20 years
Foliage Deciduous
More information

Its foliage is marcescent, that is, it remains attached to the tree even after the leaves have died in autumn and often until the spring swelling of the buds causes it to fall off.

Growing Tips

Location : Outdoors all year round, choose a location ranging from partial shade to full sun. Beware of the hot and bright sun in summer (especially in the southern half of France) which can damage the leaves. In this case, be sure to place it in a shady place. On the contrary, in winter, it is very hardy and does not fear frost.

Watering : Beech needs a substrate that is always moist. However, water your tree regularly while allowing the root ball to dry out slightly between waterings to avoid excess water. Indeed, underwatering or overwatering is not necessarily advantageous for the good health of your bonsai. So take the time to manage it well. 

Important : Do not hesitate to water the entire root ball up to the roots, materially, the water will drain through the holes present under the pot or bathe the tree in water (drenching) for a few minutes, to be sure to water well up to the roots.

We do not recommend putting a cup or container underneath your pot as the water will stagnate and can cause root rot. (Too much water = asphyxiation).

In spring/summer, watering should be done regularly. In hot weather, it's every day ! On the other hand, in winter, water according to the soil monitoring you do. Thanks to the rain and cold, you won't necessarily need to water regularly since the substrate will remain moist.

Substrate and repotting: In the nursery, we use agricultural potting soil which is composed of black peat, blond peat, eco-aged, topsoil, horse manure, pozzolana.

Repotting is done about every 2/3 years, from January to March, before it starts, but be careful never completely destroy the root ball during the next repotting because the mycelium (white fungus) develops with the roots and lives in symbiosis.

For a 20-year-old plant, you can keep the same pot or enlarge it slightly the next time you repot.

Size : In spring (May), you can prune your tree when the twigs are tender. Prune the twigs, above the first leaf and above the second for the weaker ones. To promote branching and compactness, the young shoots should be "pinched " after the first or second leaf. The buds bloom quickly ; If you neglect pruning, you may end up with very strong growth with longer internodes. When the growing season is over, you can fold back one eye following the direction of the future growth.

The pruning of the structure you want to give it is usually done at the end of winter (end of February-March). To do this, prune the trunk buds and unsightly branches.

In the summer, you can rejuvenate the foliage by removing the larger leaves to let the light through.

Fertilization : In the nursery we use blue tomato/flower fertilizer NPK 12 12 17, nitrogen = N, phosphorus = P and potassium = K, higher in potash for a mineral supply. It is a perfect fertilizer as a nutrient supplement. Put a handful on the substrate (small or large depending on the size of the pot) from spring, from May to October, every 2 months for good growth. 

More information: 

All our bonsai are unique. That's why they're referenced by numbers. These do not indicate the age of the tree. If you would like to know more about it, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to let you know its approximate age. 

We ship bonsai throughout France and neighbouring countries that are part of the EU. 

We take care to pack each bonsai in custom-made wooden crates or reinforced cartons . The tree is well protected and tied to prevent any risk of breakage.

Depending on the size and weight of your bonsai, shipping is carried out by specialized carriers: DPD (under 30kg) or GEODIS (+30kg).

Our priority is that the delivery of your bonsai goes smoothly. For this reason, shipments are rarely made on weekends and never during heat waves, to prevent your bonsai from transacting for too long. We also regularly check and verify the tracking of your packages. 

Do not hesitate to consult our delivery page to learn more about our methods. 

Click ----> Bonsai Delivery France and EU - Galinou Bonsai Nursery


The + of our bonsai nursery

The bonsai tree you see in the picture is really the one you are going to receive. To find out the dimension, refer to the scale on the side. Each product is unique and we take care to take photos that give you the most accurate preview possible of what you will receive.

All bonsai are produced in our large nursery in Lot-et-Garonne. They are therefore perfectly adapted to the climate of France, which is not always the case with Japanese imports.

We have more than 1000 bonsai for sale at the nursery and tens of thousands under cultivation and work. This site is only a meagre representation of our production, but it is impossible for us to put all our stock online. So if you're passing by, don't hesitate to visit us!


Do not hesitate to contact Valentine on 06 05 40 49 96


Cultivation Advice

Dehors toute l’année, privilégiez un emplacement allant de mi- ombre au plein soleil. Attention, méfiez-vous du soleil brûlant et éclatant un été qui peut endommager les feuilles. Dans ce cas, prenez soin de le placer dans un endroit ombragé. Au contraire, l’hiver, il est très robuste et ne craint pas le gel.

Il a besoin d’un substrat toujours humide. Arrosez-le régulièrement tout en laissant sécher légèrement la motte entre deux arrosages afin d’éviter l’excès d’eau. 

Au printemps/été, l’arrosage s’effectuera de manière régulière, quand il fait chaud, c’est tous les jours ! En revanche, en hiver, arrosez suivant la surveillance de la terre que vous faites. Grâce à la pluie et au froid vous n’aurez pas forcément besoin d’arrosez régulièrement puisque le substrat demeurera humide. 

Important : N’hésitez pas à arroser toute la motte jusqu’aux racines, l’eau s’évacuera à travers les trous présents en dessous du pot ou baignez l’arbre dans l’eau (bassinage) quelques minutes, pour être certains de bien arroser jusqu’aux racines. Nous déconseillons de mettre une coupelle ou un récipient en dessous de votre pot car l’eau va stagner et peut provoquer un pourrissement des racines. (Trop d’eau = asphyxie). 

En pépinière, nous utilisons du terreau agricole qui est composé de tourbe noire tourbe blonde, éco vieillies, terre végétale, fumier de cheval, pouzzolane. 

Le rempotage se fait environ tous les 2/3 ans, de janvier à mars, avant qu’il démarre mais attention ne détruisez jamais la motte entièrement lors du prochain rempotage car le mycélium (champignon blanc) se développe avec les racines et vivent en symbiose.Pour un vieux sujet de 20 ans, vous pouvez garder le même pot ou agrandir légèrement lors d’un prochain rempotage.

Au printemps (mai), vous pouvez tailler votre arbre lorsque les rameaux sont tendres. Taillez les rameaux, au-dessus de la première feuille et au-dessus de la seconde pour les plus faibles. Pour favoriser la ramification et la compacité, il faut « pincer » les jeunes pousses après la première ou la deuxième feuille. Les bourgeons éclosent rapidement ; si vous négligez la taille, vous risquerez d’obtenir une croissance très forte avec un allongement des entrenœuds. Lorsque la période de végétation est passé, vous pouvez rabattre un œil en suivant la direction de la future pousse.

La taille de la structure que vous souhaitez lui donner, se fait habituellement à la fin de l’hiver (fin février-mars). Pour cela, taillez les bourgeons du tronc et les branches disgracieuses.

En été, vous pouvez rajeunir le feuillage en enlevant les feuilles les plus grandes pour laisser passer la lumière.

En pépinière nous utilisons de l’engrais universel NPK 12 12 17. A mettre sur le substrat une petite poignée (petite ou grande en fonction de la taille du pot) à partir de mai jusqu'à octobre, tous les 2 mois.