
Acer palmatum apf-3-3

  • Out-of-Stock
€270.00 TTC


Data sheet

If you like bonsai groups and forests, palmatum maples are among the most suitable. It is the emblematic species for the creation of these compositions. With pinching and pruning, in a few years, you will get a magnificent branching.

Age: 15 years old

Waist 55 cm
Location Outside
Age 18 years
Foliage Deciduous
Height Entre 40 et 80 cm
More information

The palmatum maple in bonsai

The Palmatum is the so-called type variety for a bonsai maple, it is the one that serves as the base for most grafted varieties. Its main advantage is that it is robust, easy to grow and fast-growing. It is the ideal bonsai for both beginners and more experienced amateurs.

+ Family: Aceraceae
+ Origin: Japan, Korea, China
+ Pinkish-green foliage in spring, green in summer and orange-red in autumn
+ Seedlings grown in the ground and then in pots

Growing Tips

Location : outdoors in all seasons. Protect the pot to prevent the roots from freezing in winter and protect it from the cold wind. In summer, an eastern exposure is ideal to enjoy the morning sun, and to protect the bonsai from the scorching afternoon sun. But most importantly, protect it from the wind. More than heat, it is the latter that can toast the leaves and dry them out. Maple trees can withstand high temperatures very well as they have a high humidity. When it's very hot, don't hesitate to water regularly, several times a day. In spring and fall, you can put it in full sun to promote small internodes (spring) and beautiful red colors (in fall).

Watering : abundant during hot weather, the rest of the time water when the top of the substrate is dry.

Substrate and repotting : Maple trees are understory species that thrive in cool soil. So avoid planting it in a substrate that drains too much or pottery that is too fine. Repot in the spring, when the buds begin to swell.

Pruning : During the winter, when the leaves have fallen, you can prune the structure and remove unnecessary branches. During the growing season, shorten the twigs to one pair of leaves with a good pair of scissors.

Fertilization : May to September. Don't give fertilizer too early as you'll encourage long shoots with large internodes. Ideally, wait until the first shoot is finished, prune and then start giving fertilizer.

To have beautiful colors in the fall, your Palmatum maple must have received some sun at the end of summer and a little cold at the beginning of winter. If you protect it too much from the solei, you won't have nice colors.

How does the delivery work?

We ship bonsai throughout France and neighbouring countries that are part of the EU.

Each bonsai is individually wrapped in a wooden box, with the pot securely attached to avoid any risk of breakage of the pottery or branching.

Depending on the size and/or weight, the shipment is made by La Poste or by specialized carrier (with appointment by SMS).
In order to prevent your bonsai from staying in transit for too long, shipments are never made on weekends or during heat waves.

Feel free to visit our delivery page to find out more.

The + of our bonsai nursery

The bonsai tree you see in the picture is really the one you are going to receive. To find out the dimension, refer to the scale on the side. Each product is unique and we take care to take photos that give you the most accurate preview possible of what you will receive.

All bonsai are produced in our large nursery in Lot-et-Garonne. They are therefore perfectly adapted to the climate of France, which is not always the case with Japanese imports.

We have more than 1000 bonsai for sale at the nursery and tens of thousands under cultivation and work. This site is only a meagre representation of our production, but it is impossible for us to put all our stock online. So if you're passing by, don't hesitate to visit us!

Cultivation Advice

Dehors en toutes saisons. Protégez le pot pour éviter le gel des racines en hiver et mettez-le à l'abris du vent trop froid. En été une exposition Est est idéale afin de profiter du soleil du matin, et de protéger le bonsaï du soleil brulant de l'après-midi. Mais surtout, protégez-le du vent. Plus que la chaleur c'est celui-ci qui peut griller les feuilles et les dessécher. Les érables supportent très bien les températures élevées à condition d'avoir une hygrométrie ambiance élevée. Lorsqu'il fait très chaud, n'hésitez pas à arroser régulièrement, plusieurs fois par jour. Au printemps et à l'automne, vous pouvez le mettre en plein soleil pour favoriser les petits entre-nœuds (printemps) et les belles couleurs rouges (à l'automne).

Abondant lors des fortes chaleurs, le reste du temps arrosez lorsque le dessus du substrat est sec.

Les érables sont des espèces de sous-bois qui apprécient les sols frais. Evitez donc de le planter dans un substrat trop drainant ou des poteries trop fines. Rempotez au printemps, lorsque les bourgeons commencent à gonfler.

Durant l'hiver, lorsque les feuilles sont tombées, vous pouvez faire une taille de structure et éliminer les branches superflues. Durant la saison de pousse, raccourcissez les rameaux à une paire de feuilles avec une bonne paire de ciseaux.

De mai à septembre. Ne donnez pas de l'engrais trop tôt car vous allez favoriser de longues pousses avec de grands entre-nœuds. Idéalement attendez la fin de la première pousse, taillez et ensuite commencez à donner de l'engrais.

Pour avoir de belles couleurs à l'automne, il faut que votre érable Palmatum ait reçu du soleil à la fin de l'été et un peu de froid au début de l'hiver. Si vous le protégez trop du soleil, vous n'aurez pas de belles couleurs.